How to Achieve a Successful PPC Campaign

digital news tips
3 min readSep 11, 2019


Forget about all the toing and froing you hear about PPC Campaigns and whether or not they work. If you’ve ever been involved in an effective PPC campaign strategy then you will know that they do. The importance of search engine marketing isn’t lost on those who do it effectively.

Here’s some suggestions that will keep your PPC campaigns working for you.

Keywords, pick carefully and use them wisely

When it comes to keywords you’ve got two choices. One is to spend more money so you can outspend your competitors and the other is to come up with some really imaginative keyword choices. Obviously the second option is preferable but even that can backfire if you’re not prudent about the audience you’re trying to target. For instance, you can spread your net too wide ie, become too broad in your keyword choices. That strategy may capture an audience but it won’t be the audience that you want.

Don’t forget, you’re the one paying when they click so if they are attracted to goods or services that you don’t provide then it’s costing you money and you’re not gaining anything. For example, if you only sell sports shoes don’t write keywords that offer shoes in general. You might get somebody clicking on your ad who is looking for a pair of heels. If that happens you’ve paid for them to click and you haven’t made a sale.

Narrow your choices to the specific services you wish to provide; not only will you capture your target audience but you won’t have to pay for the click.

Provide a range of ads and rearrange your ads with new keywords

If you know a particular search is working for you then use the same search but reconfigure the words. You can do this with three different versions of the same ad. The sport shoes company we discussed before may have a special on football boots for example, so run the ads referring to soccer boots, football boots or even rugby boots.

You can also mix up your keywords to show a mixture of your unique selling propositions, which could be a weekly special or changing certain words like ‘trainer’ instead of ‘shoe’ or ‘try now’ instead of ‘sign up’.

Work on your quality score

Your quality score is yet another metric that google uses to assess how relevant and beneficial your ad is to the google audience.

Improving your quality score is not a difficult task. It just means that your keyword should accurately reflect your content and the services you provide. If there is one thing that many of the adwords pundits recommend, it’s improving your quality score because a quality score of 10 plus could save as much as 30% of your PPC advertising bill.

A PPC company in Sydney such as Online Consulting understands the importance of adwords and getting your PPC campaign right. If you haven’t been able to leverage PPC campaigns effectively in the past then these tips may be what you need to help you to get the best results.



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